The wait is over! Enrollment is open!

Courageous Women with Autoimmunity Eager for Revitalization & Restoration

The wait is over. You can BOLDLY BUILD a

Resilient Fortress of Wellness and Faith

Break Free From the Chains of Autoimmunity and RISE UP with Holy Spirit-Led Guidance, Achieving Unprecedented Energy, vibrancy, and joy in the Next 6 Months

Without Following the way of the world, Settling for Conventional Medicine That is Often Just a Band-Aid For the Symptoms, or Falling into the Cycle of Quick-Fix Wellness Trends & Overwhelming Health Advice


  • Being Exhausted 24/7, navigating through the fog that clouds your daily life?
  • Trying various diets, yet none have brought lasting relief?
  • Feeling lost in the sea of wellness advice, unsure of where to begin creating sustainable change?
  • Dreaming of breaking free from the cycle of guilt and shame that comes with fluctuating energy levels?
  • Longing for the days when joy, not fatigue, dictates your family activities?


  • Overwhelmed with the ceaseless demands of work, life, and family, while grappling with the daily challenges posed by autoimmune issues?
  • Exhausted from chasing the empty promises of "miracle cures" and fad diets that barely scratch the surface of your deep-seated health concerns?
  • Paralyzed with uncertainty, unsure of where to start your journey to holistic health because past attempts have left you feeling defeated?
  • Disheartened despite your diligent efforts to maintain a healthy diet, yet not experiencing the rejuvenation and energy you desperately seek?
  • Embarrassed and disconnected from your own body, as it seems to betray you despite your best intentions?
  • Burdened with guilt and sadness, missing the joyous and energetic days you used to spend engaging in fun activities with your family?

Me and my girls in 2009. I was sick all the time, beyond exhausted, and didn’t know how I was going to get through each day.

So you continue to...

  • Constantly search through Google & YouTube for help but the overwhelming influx of information only leaves you more confused and disheartened.
  • Set lofty goals for a healthier lifestyle starting "next Monday," but when the day comes, the lack of energy and the overwhelming feelings take over, pushing your goals to yet another future date.
  • Feel ensnared in a cycle of fatigue and pain, with your autoimmune conditions dictating the pace of your life, preventing you from embracing the vibrant life you were created for.
  • Dream of a life where your spirit, mind, and body are in harmony, and where you can serve others with the vibrant energy and joy that currently feels just out of reach.
  • Dodge mirrors, avoiding your own reflection because it reminds you of the vibrant person you once were, and harboring a longing to reconnect with that version of yourself, but not knowing how.
  • Seek comfort in food, yet find that even the refrigerator is unable to offer the nourishment your body and spirit truly crave, leaving you unfulfilled and further away from your goals.
  • Fall into the trap of self-criticism, focusing on your physical challenges while losing sight of the resilient spirit that God has endowed you with, and the journey of restoration you're called to embark upon.
  • Continuously battle with gut issues and other autoimmune symptoms, yearning for a day when you can nourish your body without fear of repercussions, a day when you can enjoy life without the constant worry about the next flare.

But there is really good news...


You can have the VIBRANT LIFE you have been craving, BREAK THE CHAINS of AUTOIMMUNITY, and have MORE ENERGY all in co-collaboration with God... Getting healthy doesn't have to be complicated!

Let’s DO THIS together,


all part of God's plan for you


And he knows that you have been called for something far greater than you can even imagine.

He has used his tactics to keep you cemented long enough

The Devil is a Liar

Empower yourself to break free from the chains of autoimmunity. Shed the burden of negative thought patterns and embrace a holistic approach to wellness, guided by God’s plan.

  • Instead of resenting your body, cherish it as God's creation
  • Instead of succumbing to daily overwhelm, you're equipped with Holy Spirit-led strategies to manage stress effectively
  • Instead of ending your days drained of energy, find yourself revitalized to enjoy precious moments with your family
  • Instead of getting caught in the cycle of listening to the lies of the enemy, learn to speak life and fight the enemy the way the Bible teaches us to
  • Instead of feeling lost about preparing healthy meals, gain the confidence to create simple, nourishing, and enjoyable meals that align with God's intention for your vibrant health and well-being

Do you perceive it?

It’s the sound of bones rattling

Ezekiel 37

Restoration & Revitalization



  • Relish in the meals you consume, finding joy in foods that are both nourishing and delicious
  • Stand as a testimony to holistic well-being, inspiring others with your vibrant health
  • Harness a wellspring of energy, enabling you to seize every day with enthusiasm
  • Reclaim the comfort and confidence that is your birthright as a child of God
  • Cultivate a lifestyle where pleasure meets well-being, enjoying divine health in alignment with God's plans
  • Awaken each morning with a heart full of gratitude, embracing your body and the vibrant life you have been given
  • Let go of the "someday" mentality, stepping boldly into a life free from fatigue, guilt, and shame, guided by the Holy Spirit to sustainably manage your autoimmune conditions.
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live the abundant life

Are you ready to feel inspired and empowered...and RISE UP in co-collaboration with God so that you can

you were created for?


The Vibrant Woman Collective

Your Holy Spirit-inspired journey to a holistic restoration framework, where we break the chains of autoimmunity together, aligning your body, mind, and spirit with God's plans and purposes.

Embark on a Six-Month journey of restoration, where you'll rediscover energy, gain control over cravings, and attain the clarity to embrace the abundant health that God created you for.

Client Testimony

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Amy is extremely knowledgeable, very reasonable in her approach which keeps me from getting overwhelmed, and she cares about me and my progress. She is interested in all aspects of my health and is always there with encouragement and excellent ideas to help me move forward. I'm in a much better place now, both with my health and my perspective on how my health affects all aspects of my life. I'm so thankful for Amy's expertise and wisdom! - Deborah W.

THE VIBRANT WOMAN Collective IS A 6-MONTH WELLNESS COACHING EXPERIENCE DESIGNED TO HELP YOU build a fortress of wellness and faith so that you can boldly arise, start a new chapter, and begin to build what God is calling you to with energy and vitality

Included in the 6-Phase BUILD Method

Each stage includes five modules that build upon one another for mind, body, and spiritual health

Boho Girl Walking on the Beach
Happy Woman
Young woman with boho style jewelry at the beach
Beautiful young woman praying on the beach
Boho Girl Walking on the Beach
Boho Girls Walking on the Beach

The Foundation Stage - Are you building your house on stone, or building your house on sand?

Module 1: Our Identity

Module 2: Setting Goals & Intentions & Journaling

Module 3: Life & Health Foundations

Module 4: Blood sugar, Inflammation & Meal Planning

Module 5: The Thought Model

The Frame Stage - Jesus is the Cornerstone Who holds the frame together.

Module 1: Essential Nutrients

Module 2: Boundaries and Triggers

Module 3: Stress

Module 4: Hormones & Metabolism

Module 5: Forgiveness

The Enclosure Stage - You are fearfully & wonderfully made...inside and out

Module 1: Gut Health

Module 2: Drainage Pathways

Module 3: Toxins

Module 4: Supplements, Minerals, Oils

Module 5: Vows, Agreements & Lies we Believe

The Prefinishing Stage - Overcome the battle of the mind

Module 1: Body Image & Weight Loss

Module 2: Food & Your Mood

Module 3: Overcoming Emotional Eating

Module 4: Taking Captive Your Thoughts

Module 5: Wonderfully Made

The Practical Completion Stage - God completed His work which He had done, and He rested

Module 1: Sleep

Module 2: Movement

Module 3: Self Care

Module 4: Relationships

Module 5: Spiritual Warfare

The Moving in Stage - Joy is our strength! We are encouraged to celebrate!

Module 1: Joy

Module 2: Praise For Transformation

Module 3: Creativity

Module 4: Celebration

Module 5: Dreaming with God & and Visualizing for the Future

Each Phase includes:

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FIVE online modules

Designed to help you go through the program in a step-by-step fashion

Manageable Homework to help you apply what you learn

Without taking hours of your time to complete

TWO group coaching sessions per month

So that you can keep going, get the support you need throughout the entire process

A Monthly Bible study

Because getting into God’s Word as a community will bring us closer to Him and closer to each other.

Discover the path to a vibrant, faith-fueled life, free from the chains of autoimmunity.

This is not just another restrictive regimen making tall promises; it is your Holy Spirit-led blueprint to holistic well-being. This group coaching and course hybrid stands apart, honoring God’s design for you by nurturing not just your body, but your mind and spirit too. While other programs may focus narrowly on diet and exercise, we delve deeper, addressing the underlying stories and thoughts that have held you back, and guiding you to reclaim the joy and energy God desires for you.

God is calling you to something SO much bigger than just barely making it through the day

It helps to give you a Godly perspective on health for your mind, body, and spirit.

It helps you to take your power back.

By the end of the program, you will have more energy, new sustainable habits, less frustration, less fatigue, and less inflammation, and you will feel more energetic, confident, radiant, and vibrant.

Each phase will build off of the other. Just like when you build a home, you have to have a solid foundation, a sturdy structure and follow a plan for lasting, and sustainable transformation before you can move in.... but once you DO move in? That is just the beginning of a new chapter!

You will learn how to set and reach goals, how your thought life impacts your entire life, and how to get healthy holistically (mind, body & spirit) in a very SIMPLE & DOABLE way so that you never feel overwhelmed or deprived all while staying in alignment with God's plans and purposes.

Your vibrant breakthrough is not just possible; it is God’s desire for you. Rediscover the joyous, energetic life you were created for, one blessed step at a time.

Getting healthy doesn't have to be so complicated!

Client Love

Amy is down to earth and easy to get to know. She shares her wisdom with trust. I also like her faith-driven knowledge and direction. I just knew being in the FB group that there would be more benefits from Amy as my coach. Amy really cares about my success. Gets to know me on a personal level, what I want to share and prays for me. She is a sister in Christ gem!

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Beach Sunset


You Get Everything In the Program Plus These

Six Free

(Over $600 in FREE BONUSES)

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Meal Plans, Recipes, Shopping Guides for the entire 6 months ($597 Value)

Enjoy a new menu every month - Meal plans included are an Elimination Meal Plan, Gluten Free & Dairy Free, Low Histamine, Sugar Detox, Hormone Health, & High Protein

Common Vows & Agreements We Make & 100 Declarations to Speak ($27 Value)

Within the program, we will be learning about vows, agreements, and declarations. These lists will help you to apply what we learn effectively

Bye-Bye Toxins Guide ($27 Value)

You no longer have to spend hours researching clean brands as we've done all the hard work for you!

Healthy Travel Food Guide ($27 Value)

Traveling can feel overwhelming and confusing when it comes to food. This guide will help you figure out what to eat when you travel so you can feel good while away from home.

Strength Training Fitness Guide ($27 Value)

A gym membership is not required to get healthy! You can get in shape at home with these simple and effective moves.

How to Read Food Labels Guide ($27 Value)

Don’t let food labels fool you. Learn the top tips and tricks to become a label detective.

He is doing a new thing

Isaiah 43

Hello, I’m Amy!

Autoimmune Breakthrough Coach

Prophet to the Nations, Faith-Based Entrepreneur & Health Educator

With a Passion for Jesus, Commisioned to Restoring a Generation of Women so they can RISE UP and step into who they’re called to be.

Certified Holistic Life and Health Coach, mom to two girls who are 22 and 17, residing in Castle Rock, CO.

In 2002, I unknowingly dove headfirst into the world of natural health after being told by a doctor that he wanted to remove my thyroid soon after being diagnosed with Graves disease. I ended up telling him no because I KNEW deep down that the environment I was living in was the problem, not my thyroid. I was later diagnosed with Celiac and the Hashimotos and Epstein Barr Virus ... all caused by stress and trauma.

After leaving the toxic environment my daughters and I were living in, I found myself in desperation for help that the medical community wasn’t providing - doctors weren’t listening, even though I knew all of my symptoms such as hair loss, IBS, random body pain, and rapid resting heart rate, doctors continued to ignore me, even suggesting that I was depressed or anxious.

My daughters and I were still living in emotional chaos.

I quickly learned that our body keeps the score of chronic stress and trauma. Even though we had moved on - we were still trapped in the after-effects of having constantly high cortisol.

After removing gluten from my diet, using essential oils for emotional support, and using toxin-free home and beauty products, we were all starting to feel better. I jumped into the natural health education world in 2014 when I saw how removing gluten & toxins from our home and using essential oils was not just helping my daughters and me with our emotional health, but I was also starting to feel fewer effects of my autoimmunity, too.

I started to feel so much better, even getting off of all medications and supporting my body naturally, and in 2020 after losing the job I had had for 15 years, God led me to get certified in holistic life and health coaching. It became my passion to help others find the same freedoms I had found.

But in 2021 I got sick with Covid and it sent my body into a tailspin flare. This was when I learned that healing wasn’t just about my diet/gut and living toxin-free, but also about full body, soul, mind, and Spiritual health. When I laid my health on the altar, gave God all control (and gave up control myself), I was able to CO-COLABORATE with God and truly began to HEAL...all in alignment with God’s plans and purposes.

When we align ourselves with God’s plans & purposes ...that’s when miracles happen

Now, I finally feel good again and...

I help brave women eager for revitalization break free from autoimmune chains, build a resilient fortress of wellness and faith, and rise up with Holy Spirit-led guidance to achieve unprecedented energy and joy in just 6 months.

I’m {OB-SESSED} with helping women get more energy, stop cravings + feel good again so they can VIBRANTLY step into who they have been called to be- like…

  • Lead and Inspire Others
  • Nurture Their Family’s Well-being
  • Embark on New Ventures with Confidence
  • Serve Their Community
  • Deepen Their Spiritual Journey
  • Live a Joyful, Abundant Life

And ultimately, channel their breakthrough journey to change the culture, spread the gospel and encourage other believers through a testimony of healing and Holy Spirit-led revitalization.

You are not alone...

Cloud series : Colorful cotton candy. Soft fog and clouds with a pastel colored pink to skyblue gradient for background.

I remember what it feels like to be so fatigued that just getting out of bed in the morning felt like a chore. I also remember how afraid I was to take a leap of faith and trust God with my healing journey.

I used to be in your shoes - wanting to just feel good again, knowing if I did, everything else would fall into place - but all of the “experts” I talked to were anything but helpful - making me feel crazy, unheard, unseen, and isolated.

Feeling like I would be willing to do anything to feel better, and totally disconnected from what God was tugging on my heart to do because life was so chaotic that I felt like if I gave up any control, everything would FALL APART.

Seeing a REVITALIZED vision of the future and feeling like I was being told to step out and take a leap of faith. But also being nervous about letting go, and questioning if I was doing the right thing during every pivot or life transition.


Ocean pink
Blue Sand and Pink Sky on the Beach
Pink Sunset of the ocean
Sunset at the Beach

The Vibrant Woman Collective offers a combination of coursework, group coaching sessions, and optional 1-on-1 coaching, all online via Zoom. Each month focuses on a different aspect of faith, health, and wellness, with access to workbooks and resources. Lifetime access to materials is included, with guidance provided to transform and become the healthiest, most vibrant version of yourself.

Experience a transformative journey to embody your healthiest self and align with God's plan. Wake up each day with joy, master Holy Spirit-led nourishment, radiate vitality, and discover a level of peace beyond understanding. Renew your mind and stand firm in the knowledge that your transformed lifestyle safeguards future generations' health and vibrancy.

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Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild & precious life?

Mary Oliver

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What Others AreSaying

Amy's well-rounded approach and multi-faceted knowledge equates to valuable insights for spirit, soul, body, and all areas of life. Having her support in my health journey helped me stay consistent in moving toward my goals. I lost the weight I gained during the pandemic and I am continuing to improve my health.

— Katie N,

“Amy has been a huge blessing in my life. She is very knowledgable about health, inside and out, and takes every opportunity to help women with their health and healing!”

—Theresa T.

I appreciate Amy and her spirit of encouragement. Whether talking about health/wellness or just hearing about your personal goals, Amy offers a genuine and gentle spirit that spurs you on for growth!

— Jami K.

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Woman Collective

Enroll in 6-month group coaching now

Group Coaching + Signature Course



* or 3 payments of 517 417

or 6 payments of 267 217

(See details below)

*Payment Plans Are Available

To get the link for payment plans email me at:

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I know you're probably thinking...

  • "I feel overwhelmed, and I don't think I can dedicate time to this." - I completely understand, being a busy, single mom and a business owner myself. Keeping in mind the busy lives of determined moms like us, I have crafted this program to be as simple and accessible as possible. You would be dedicating around 20 minutes to one or two modules each week, along with sparing a few moments daily for reflection and journaling. Additionally, we will hold group coaching sessions spanning two hours each month. What's wonderful is that the rejuvenated energy you will soon harbor will actually make you feel like you have more time on your hands!

  • "I've attempted numerous diets and none worked. How is this different?" - I hear you. Traditional diets have an alarmingly high failure rate because they don't focus on the individual's holistic well-being and they certainly don’t consider autoimmunity. My approach is fundamentally different because it is not a diet; it's a pathway to revitalization aligned with God's vision for your vibrant health. You will learn to nurture your body and mind, enjoying your favorite foods without falling prey to cravings or seeking solace in food. The goal is to foster restoration from within, steering clear of the endless cycle of looking in the wrong places and seeking God to align with His plans and purposes.

  • "I would love to do this but I don't have the money." - Believe me, I know this feeling ALL too well, but I have spent THOUSANDS of dollars on doctors, supplements, pills, shakes, diets, and more, and none of them got me the lasting results I was searching for. This program costs less than the cost of eating out 3 times a week and grabbing coffee every morning, plus you will learn how to listen to the Holy Spirit for guidance so you will no longer be wasting money on protocols that aren’t right for you. I have a coach for my business and once I saw the changes that a coach helped me achieve, in the short amount of time I was achieving them, I knew that coaching was a commitment I was willing to make sacrifices for. You have to decide - do you want to spend money on health now, or on illness in the future? The choice is yours.


Add One-On-One Coaching for $777

**Only 5 Spots Available**

A $1500 value!

Do you want additional help working through and coaching on some topics in a more advanced way? One-on-one coaching will get you where you want to go faster.

  • 2 30-Minute Sessions Per Month for 6 Months
  • Email & Text Support Between Sessions
  • Free Lifetime Access to All Online Courses & Group Coaching
  • Handouts & Tools Specific to Your Needs & Goals

"The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition."

~Thomas Edison


How soon do we start?

You are added to the group within 48 hours of payment and you can start right away!

Do you offer refunds?

No. This is a transformative program and you should start seeing results quickly. You will have lifetime access so if you find that this is not a good time for you, you can always start back up when you are ready.

Do you guarantee my results?

No, but you will get the results based on the effort that you apply.

Do you offer private, 1 on 1 coaching?

Yes, I do! I have a limited number of spots open to 1 on 1 coaching. You can add on 1 on 1 coaching to this program.

Do you save replays of the coaching calls? Yes! I will keep a copy of all of the calls within the group so that you can have access to them to re-listen to or if you missed a call you can go back and watch.

How long does it take before I start seeing results? That is 100% up to you and the effort that you choose to put in. Everyone is going to measure results differently and everyone is going see different results on different timelines. In the first phase, you will set a goal and have a way to measure that goal - I highly recommend that you have a very clear goal in mind and have multiple ways of measuring the goal. For example, your goal may be to lose weight and you can measure your results via the scale but you can also measure results via your overall mood, your energy level, how your clothes fit, how you're sleeping, etc. If you put in the effort, you should begin to see some results within about 72 hours.

What is the benefit of group coaching?

  • In a coaching group, you not only benefit from the questions, accountability, and encouragement of your coach. You will also find the insights and experiences of your peers added to the mix. Sometimes, these can really aid your thought process and allow you to think outside the box.
  • Amazing accountability. Being accountable to a coach is fantastic. But being accountable to a coach AND the rest of your coaching group holds a huge amount of power.
  • Less “on the spot” than 1:1 coaching. Coaching can be intense, especially in a 1:1 situation. It’s a good kind of intense, but for some, the reduced pressure of group coaching can be helpful to give you more space and time to think.
  • Group energy and bonding. What brings you together is the desire to change something and create direction and momentum. This threads through the group and brings a huge sense of togetherness. It’s both uplifting and motivating in equal measure.

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind

Romans 12:2



  • Harness boundless energy: Embark on a journey to reclaim the vibrant energy you were created to enjoy, guided by Holy Spirit-led insights and strategies.
  • Blossom into your healthiest self: Tune into God's plan for your health, and become the pillar of well-being you aspire to be, grounded in holistic approaches that nurture body, mind, and spirit.
  • Learn from a seasoned autoimmune breakthrough coach: Absorb the wisdom and practical strategies from a coach who has navigated the path of autoimmune challenges, blending spiritual guidance with evidence-based approaches.
  • Make a monumental shift this year: Commit to making this year a landmark in your health journey, as you break free from the chains of autoimmune challenges and step into a life of joy and vitality.
  • Follow a divine roadmap to sustainable health: Discover a Holy Spirit-inspired, phased approach that lays out a clear, attainable path to lasting health, giving you the tools to build a resilient fortress of wellness and faith.
  • Cultivate life-affirming habits: Build daily practices that honor your body, foster spiritual growth, and align with God's purposes for your vibrant health.
  • Live the abundant life envisioned for you: Step into the fullness of life God has designed for you, one where health and faith walk hand in hand, guiding you to an existence brimming with joy, purpose, and well-being.



So what if you've tried & failed before?

Listen - the only way to fail is to quit. Are you ready to quit or are you going to fight for the healthy, energetic, VIBRANT life that you desire?

Can you go another month, or another year feeling like you do?

I don’t think so!



I invite you to join me in this life-changing program.

Still not sure? Book a call with me and let's talk about whether this program is a good fit for you!

Copyright © Amy Wadlington 2022